What Is the Easiest Instrument to learn for a child?

The Easiest is the One Your Child is Most Passionate About.  

Generally speaking, there are instruments that are less technical and provide instant gratification when your child plays them. However, this can be superseded by a child’s passion for a particular instrument. At Oregon City Music Academy we also believe that playing an instrument is an ability that can be developed based on the Suzuki method and the classic method. If your child doesn’t have their heart set on any one particular instrument, here are the top three instruments most instructors agree are the easiest to learn.  

Ukulele Lessons for Your Child 

Ukuleles are one of the easiest instruments for beginners to learn. Ukulele chords are simplistic and don’t require odd hand and finger movements. During ukulele music lessons, beginning ukulele students learn how to strum and pick, and soon they are making music on their own. 

Piano Lessons for Your Child 

While a little more hand-eye coordination is required compared to the ukulele, the piano has the added benefit of teaching music theory. Piano lessons provide excellent training for your child’s brain. The lessons and practice sessions support memory development, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills. Sitting and working one-to-one with a piano tutor can help to improve communication skills and increase the maturity of your child. 

Violin Lessons for Your Child 

The violin is one of the most versatile instruments to learn, but not necessarily the easiest. It is, however a popular first instrument to learn.  Not only can you play classic and pop music on the violin, but unlike Piano and Guitar you are open to musical styles that are unique to the violin from Asian, and Eastern cultures. 

How Do I Sign Up for Music Lessons? 

Contact us at (503) 880-4880 and we can schedule an appointment. You can text us too! You can also use our online form to contact us. We also have a scheduling calendar if you are ready to get started.