Oregon City Music academy offers Mandolin Lessons

Oregon City Music academy offers Mandolin Lessons for kids. We offer classical training as well as the Suzuki Method. The Suzuki method is based on his approach that musical ability is not an inborn talent but an ability that can be developed. Any child, who is professionally trained, can develop musical ability, just as all children develop the ability to speak their mother tongue. The potential of every child is unlimited.

Mandolin is the Perfect Instrument to Learn

The mandolin is a great instrument for beginners. It is a relatively easy instrument to learn as it has fewer strings compared to many other stringed instruments, such as guitar and violin. This makes reading tablature much easier. The mandolin improves concentration and memory. When you play the mandolin, there are certain parts of your brain that become stimulated, therefore affecting your muscle and cognitive function and memory. The mandolin is also lightweight and compact so you can practice it anywhere. It is also a relatively quiet instrument, so it can be practiced without reverberating around the house. Once your child learns how to play the mandolin, learning how to play other instruments, especially stringed ones, will be comparatively straightforward.

What to Expect on your First Lesson

Your instructor will get to know your child. We will talk about goals musical preferences and interests.  Then we help them become familiar with their ukulele. Next, you’ll go over the names of the different parts of the guitar and talk about how to care for each. From scroll to points and pick guard, you’ll want to get familiar with your new instrument.

Extra Benefits with Oregon City Music Academy

  • Students get a recital after every 12 lessons to showcase their new talent to parents and friends.
  • Year-round school to provide continuous support and ability to practice without gaps. This guarantees even progress.
  • All teachers at our academy are vetted as active musicians with multiple years of teaching experience.

How to Pay

$30 for 30 minutes. ($45 for 45 a d $60 for an hour). Minimum of 4 lessons. And then billed at the beginning of each month. If sign up in the middle of the month you will be pro-rated.

How Do I Sign Up for Mandolin Lessons?

Contact us at (503) 880-4880 and we can schedule an appointment. You can text us too! You can also use our online form to contact us. We also have a scheduling calendar if you are ready to get started.