Give Your Child The Gift Of Music Lessons 

Oregon City Parents, Are Your Children Musically Inclined? 

Are you interested to see if your child’s interest in music might become more? Has your child expressed interest in learning a musical instrument? If so, have you considered local music lessons with Oregon City Music Academy? The team at is eager to pass on the gift of music to the children of Oregon City, Lake Oswego, West Linn, Happy Valley, Canby, Colton, and Molalla. 

Music Lessons Are A Unique Gift That Keep On Giving 

The holiday gift-giving season is here, and families in Oregon City and the surrounding areas are sure to be thinking about what gifts to get their children. If you want to offer your child a unique gift this holiday season, consider signing them up for music lessons with Oregon City Music Academy. Music lessons can fuel their interest in music while also teaching them a life-long skill. 

What Type Of Music Lessons Should I Sign My Child Up For? 

Here at Oregon City Music Academy, we encourage our students to follow what interests them most. Children who have a strong interest in a particular instrument are more likely to thrive during the lessons for that instrument. We offer a wide range of musical lessons, so be sure to talk with your child about their musical interests first. 

Here are just a few of the music lessons we offer: 

Our instructors use both the Suzuki method, which children as young as 3 years old can begin with, and classical training methods, which can help children as young as 5 years of age. 

How Do I Sign Up for Music Lessons? 

Contact us at (503) 880-4880 and we can schedule an appointment. You can text us too! You can also use our online form to contact us. We also have a scheduling calendar if you are ready to get started.