Oregon City Music Academy Violin Lessons

Can My Child Learn To Play Music? 

Oregon City Parents Choose Oregon City Music Academy For Children’s Music Lessons 

Are you a parent in the Oregon City area? Does your child express an interest in music and playing instruments? Would you like to give your child the opportunity to participate in an extracurricular activity that helps them express their creativity? If so, consider contacting Oregon City Music Academy. Our team is here to help children learn how to take into their unlimited musical potential. 

Can My Child Learn To Play Music? 

Your child may have expressed a particular interest in music. Perhaps they have even asked directly about learning how to play music. Oregon City parents, however, may wonder how they can tell if their child should start music lessons. Is there a way to know if your child will be able to learn to play music? How can you tell your child has that ability? 

Every Child Has Potential 

One of the beliefs of the team at Oregon City Music Academy is that every child has unlimited potential. There is no inherent quality that makes this or that child more or less likely to be able to learn how to play music. Developing musical ability is a matter of professional instruction. If your child is interested in music, that is the first step towards developing musical ability. When you allow your child to explore that interest, you may be surprised by what can happen. 

Music Lessons For Children Near You 

Oregon City Music Academy offers a wide range of music lessons for children. Our lessons include but are not limited to the following: violin lessons, viola lessons, piano lessons, guitar lessons, and ukulele lessons. Children can begin music lessons as early as ages 3 to 5, depending on the instrument. Contact us today to learn more! 

How Do I Sign Up for Music Lessons? 

Contact us at (503) 880-4880 and we can schedule an appointment. You can text us too! You can also use our online form to contact us. We also have a scheduling calendar if you are ready to get started.