Do Children’s Music Lessons Improve Test Scores?

Do Children’s Music Lessons Improve School Test Scores? 

Sign Up For Oregon City Children’s Music Lessons Today 

Oregon City children’s music lessons are available now with Oregon City Music Academy. Our team of instructors is ready to help your child discover their potential for musical ability through professional music lessons for children. Allow your child to pursue their interest in music and help them find the spark for creative expression and so much more! 

Do Children’s Music Lessons Improve Test Scores? 

Parents may be surprised to learn the wide variety of benefits associated with children’s music lessons. Did you know that a good musical education helps improve your child’s academic test scores? 

A 2007 study by Christopher Johnson, a professor at the University of Kansas, showed that elementary school students with access to good musical education scored higher in both their English and math tests – and it’s little wonder why. The study of music allows children more opportunities to exercise skills that will be useful to them in schools – including memory skills, concentration skills, hand-eye coordination, and so much more. 

When Can My Child Start Music Lessons? 

Oregon City Music Academy accepts children of all ages and at all levels of musical training. Lessons can start for children as young as ages 3 to 5. We offer a wide range of music lessons to choose from, including children’s violin lessons, children’s viola lessons, children’s piano lessons, children’s guitar lessons, children’s ukulele lessons, and more! Are you ready to learn more about children’s music lessons in Oregon City? Call soon! 

How Do I Sign Up for Music Lessons? 

Contact Oregon City Music Academy at (503) 880-4880 and we can schedule an appointment. You can text us too! You can also use our online form to contact us. We also have a scheduling calendar if you are ready to get started.