Oregon City Music Academy Violin Lessons

Is Learning Music The Right Extracurricular For My Child? 

Children’s Music Lessons Are Available Now In Oregon City 

Parents, don’t you want to encourage your child’s interest in creativity and music? Do you want to see their passion for their interests grow and flourish? Do you want to help them learn how to creatively express themselves while aiding their physical, mental, and social development? If so, consider children’s music lessons in Oregon City through Oregon City Music Academy. Our team of instructors is eager to help children in Oregon City through children’s music lessons for the violin, piano, and more! 

Trying To Help Your Child Choose An Extracurricular Activity? 

Extracurricular activities are essential to a well-rounded education. If you’re helping your child consider their extracurricular options, consider children’s music lessons with Oregon City Music Academy! 

How To Know If Music Lessons Are Right For Your Child 

All that’s necessary for a child to begin music lessons is an interest in learning to play music. Your child doesn’t need to display any innate talent for music. The potential for musical ability isn’t linked to some sort of inborn talent – it is something that comes through professional musical training. If your child is interested in music and learning to play an instrument, that interest can carry them far in their music lessons. 

Additionally, music lessons can benefit children of any age by aiding their development and teaching them important life skills. Music lessons for children have been shown to aid the development of mine motor skills, cognitive skills, and even social skills in young children. Music lessons can also teach time management skills, personal responsibility, and other life skills that will be useful for a lifetime. 

Learn More About Children’s Music Lessons At Oregon City Music Academy 

Don’t wait, parents – call soon to get started. Children’s music lessons can begin as early as ages 3 to 5. The lessons we offer include but are not limited to children’s violin lessons, children’s viola lessons, children’s piano lessons, children’s guitar lessons, and children’s ukulele lessons

How Do I Sign Up for Music Lessons? 

Contact Oregon City Music Academy at (503) 880-4880 and we can schedule an appointment. You can text us too! You can also use our online form to contact us. We also have a scheduling calendar if you are ready to get started.