Oregon City Children’s Music Lessons For All Ages

Oregon City Children’s Music Lessons Available Now 

Is your child interested in music? Are you eager to help your child find an extracurricular activity to round out their education? Do you value creativity and self-expression? If so, you’re in the right place! Oregon City Music Academy offers music lessons for children near you. Our instructors are eager to help your child unlock their creative and musical potential. 

Children’s Music Lessons In Oregon City For All Ages 

Oregon City Music Academy’s music lessons for children are open to children of all ages and at all levels of musical experience. Whether your child is a complete beginner just starting their musical journey or an experienced musician looking to further hone their abilities, our instructors can help. 

When should your child start? Our children’s music lessons in Oregon City can begin for children as young as ages 3 to 5, depending on the instrument they wish to learn. 

The Myth Of Talent And Children’s Music Lessons In Oregon City 

Perhaps you’re worried that your child doesn’t show enough talent for music to begin music lessons. Here at Oregon City Music Academy, we teach our students utilizing classic training methods as well as the Suzuki Method. According to the Suzuki Method, inborn talent is not what determines musical ability. Rather, musical ability is developed through professional training. 

Children’s Guitar Lessons, Piano Lessons, And More 

Oregon City Music Academy offers a wide selection of children’s music lessons in Oregon City – including children’s violin lessons, children’s viola lessons, children’s piano lessons, children’s guitar lessons, children’s ukulele lessons, and more. 

How Do I Sign Up for Music Lessons? 

Contact Oregon City Music Academy at (503) 880-4880 and we can schedule an appointment. You can text us too! You can also use our online form to contact us. We also have a scheduling calendar if you are ready to get started.