The Myth Of Inborn Talent: Oregon City Children’s Music Lessons 

Oregon City Children’s Music Lessons Available Near You 

The team at Oregon City Music Academy is eager to help children of all ages who are interested in learning to play music. If your child has a special interest in music or needs a creative outlet – consider children’s music lessons in Oregon City! Through classical training methods and the Suzuki Method, we’ll help your child develop musical ability. 

The Myth Of Inborn Talent And Musical Ability 

It is a commonly held belief in some circles that the most successful and capable musicians (or artists of any type) are those who have some sort of inherent talent for their chosen field. Some believe that supposed inborn talent is necessary to excel at a given craft. The truth is, though, that ability is not as linked to talent as you might think. 

The Suzuki Method: Oregon City Children’s Music Lessons 

We teach our students through classical training methods as well as the Suzuki Method. The Suzuki Method teaches that inborn talent is not necessary for developing musical ability. Rather, anyone can develop musical ability through professional training – much in the same way that children learn their mother tongue as they grow up. 

Learn More About Children’s Music Lessons Near You 

Are you ready to learn more about children’s music lessons near you? Do you have questions about Oregon City Academy’s children’s music lessons? Feel free to contact us! Browse our options for children’s music lessons in Oregon City – including children’s violin lessons, children’s viola lessons, children’s piano lessons, children’s guitar lessons, children’s ukulele lessons, and more. 

How Do I Sign Up for Music Lessons? 

Contact Oregon City Music Academy at (503) 880-4880 and we can schedule an appointment. You can text us too! You can also use our online form to contact us. We also have a scheduling calendar if you are ready to get started.